Interstate transfer station Sebezh

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Project Status: 
Межгосударственная передаточная станция Себеж

In 1993, on behalf of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation), Lengiprotrans developed a project for the reconstruction of a number of border stations in connection with the change in the state borders of the country. It was envisaged to build a transfer station Sebezh, 22.6 km away from the state border with Latvia, and the Posin border checkpoint, which is 7.6 km away from the state border.

The most important issue in the design of interstate stations is their location relative to state borders. The creation of a unified station between the two states provides advantages in the form of reduced train idle time at customs control and reduced construction costs. With this in mind, in 1997, a memorandum was signed between the RF Ministry of Railways and the Latvian Railways on the creation of a joint border station Sebezh.

The Sebezh station is located in extremely unfavorable conditions from the point of view of the water protection zone of reservoirs and the zone of residential development. A set of environmental measures was developed, in accordance with which the impact of the projected railway transport facilities on the environment did not exceed the current standards.

The station has all the necessary devices for technical, commercial, customs and border inspection of trains passing through the state border, checking transportation documents and passport control of passengers.