International projects

International projects

International projects

Over more than 80 years, some 400 projects in 16 countries have been built and reconstructed after the designs developed by Lengiprotrans: railway lines, hubs and stations, power lines, production facilities, railway terminals, bridges and viaducts.

The project geography is vast: Russia, the Baltic States, the Middle East, and CIS.

In 1970–1980, Lengiprotrans had its permanent representation office in the Republic of Cuba.

The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
  • 1970 — 1979
Станция Алитус-Новая
Alytus is a railway station on the Šeštokai - Alytus line of the Lithuanian Railway. In 1978 Lengiprotrans carried out design and survey work at the station. Longitudinal and transverse...
  • 1980 — 1989
Автодорожный путепровод через улицу Субачаус в Вильнюсе
During the Soviet period, Lengiprotrans was actively involved in the design of transport infrastructure in the Baltics. This was largely due to the development of approaches to ports in the Baltic...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Маркия
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...
  • 1980 — 1989
Подъездной путь к Акмолинской птицефабрике
In 1986, the Department of nodes and stations of Lengiprotrans developed a project of an access road to the Akmola poultry farm and reconstruction of stopping point No. 96.
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1970 — 1979
Диспетчерская централизация на участке Полоцк — Бигосово
The railway section Polotsk - Bigosovo is part of the Belarusian Railway. In the period 1956-1970, Lengiprotrans developed a project for centralization of dispatchers for 66 switches on the...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Баниас
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...